jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2012

Places of interest and entertainment


Tecnópolis is a mega-exhibition of science, technology, industry and art, with a headquarter in Argentina, and the biggest of America Latina. It was inaugurated on July 14, 2011. Tecnópolis divides in thematic spaces to which it was named parks. Between them we find the following ones: Park of the energy, Park Argentine industry, solar Park, Park of the knowledge, Bioparque, Plaza Belgrano, young World, Forest of games, Park of the movement.

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Temaikén is a park of more than 34 has. The biopark is divided in four big areas: Africa, Asia, autochthonous and aquarium. The principal attractions are:

 Cinema 360: In this cinema there exists the opportunity to view " The ark of the life ", an audio-visual experience that develops with the System OMNIVISION 360 °: projection in 360 degrees on a surrounding screen of 56 meters, and with special effects: light, scenic and sensory.

 Plaza of the sensations: A sector for more boys, where they will be able to recreate experience and sensation own of some animal, beginning from an early age to know, to want and to respect the wild fauna.

 Interactive Centers: Varied technological resources, escenográficos, audio-visual, come together in his mission to wake up your interest

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If you need more information:Wikipedia

1 comentario:

  1. 1º - 5º y 7º Parte: sin corregir lo que se pidió en comentarios anteriores
    8º Parte: completa (un detalle: Temaikèn)
