miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

La Boca

La Boca

It is a neighborhood of the City of Buenos Aires (Federal Capital), Argentina. Located in the southeast of the city limits. His name is because is located at the mouth of the Riachuelo in the Rio de la Plata. It is characterized as a neighborhood which housed many tourists therefore shared a variety of ways. Its architecture was characterized as tenements where family lived and which coexisted in different habitanciones but in one place. These tenements were very colorful.


The area is currently La Boca was the place where Pedro de Mendoza made ​​the first foundation of Buenos Aires in 1536. In times of colonial Spanish La Boca was a barracks area for black slaves. In the period worked there saladeros independent (sheds that was salted beef for export).

As the area of ​​greater entry of ships in the late nineteenth century began to be inhabited by Italian immigrants, mostly Genoese, who gave it its current appearance. Immigrants were grouped in tenements and painted their houses with leftover paint that brought the sailors.

La Boca, 1870 already had a characteristic physiognomy and in 1895 was the second section of the Capital. In a population of 38,000 inhabitants, 17,000 were from Argentina, 14,000 Italians, 2,500 Spanish and the rest from other countries.

Residents of La Boca and by extension his football team, the popular Boca Juniors, is still known as the Xeneizes (deformation "zeneizi" ie Genoese, in their own dialect). Immigrants built houses of corrugated metal sheets, often mounted on piles or footings high due to frequent flooding, and brightly painted.

Typical places of La Boca
Classical buildings in La Boca

Caminito street
This Street is a traditional museum and a passage of great cultural and tourism, located in the La Boca neighborhood of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The place acquired cultural significance because the music that inspired the famous tango Caminito


The Matanza-Riachuelo river, called Riachuelo river at its mouth and Slaughter on most of its development, is a stream of 64 km to the east of Argentina, who was born in the province of Buenos Aires, is the southern boundary of the city ​​of Buenos Aires and empties into the Rio de la Plata. This name originates mouth neighborhood of La Boca. The Matanza-Riachuelo Basin is located to the northeast of the province of Buenos Aires. To the north borders the Reconquista River Basin, south and west by the Salado River Basin and to the east by the Rio de la Plata. It is approximately 60 km and a general direction southwest-northeast, and an average width of 35 m, covering an area of ​​2200 km ² to the mouth of the Rio de La Plata.

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