martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

Places to visit in Rosario

City of Rosario

Rosario is located in central-west of Argentina, in the province of Santa Fe, is the third most populated city in the country,
 Rosario is known as the Cradle of the Argentina Flag, being his most famous building the Monument to the Flag.

Desde arriba a la izquierda: Vista aérea de Rosario • Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario • Monumento a la Bandera • Hospital de Emergencias Dr. Clemente Álvarez • Catedral de Rosario • Bulevar Oroño • Palacio de los Leones • Parroquia del Perpetuo Socorro • Puente Rosario-Victoria.

Monument to the flag

Monumento Histórico Nacional a la Bandera 001.jpg
Since the late XIX century started to plan the building of a monument to pay tribute to Belgrano for giving the fledgling nation flag. On June 20, 1957 was inaugurated with a massive frame the National Flag Monument, designed by architect and engineer Guido Angel. Covers an area of 10,000 and contains three main parts: the central tower, the Propileo Triunfal of the Fatherland and Honor Gallery of American Flags and Civic Monumental Staircase connecting the two corps arquitectónicos.10 June 1957, by the Decree 4901, is set June 20, 1957 as the official date of the inauguration of the National Flag Monument in Rosario.


 Catedral de nuestra señora de Rosario 

The Cathedral Basilica Sanctuary of Our Lady of Rosario is a minor basilica and cathedral dedicated to the Virgin of Rosario, Rosario, Santa Fe province in Argentina. Basilica is located in the oldest part of the city, in 789 Buenos Aires street, next to the Palace of the Lions, municipal government headquarters in the city, in front of Plaza 25 de Mayo. Between the two buildings is the passage Juramento.La first parish was built on this site in 1731. An image of the Virgin of the Rosary was brought from Cadiz, Spain in 1773. On 20 April 1934con the canonical erection of the Diocese of Montreal, was officially named Cathedral. And went to Basilica October 7 1966.La basilica dates from the late s. XIX. His altar is from Italy and was made with Carrara marble.


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