miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

Conclusion of the virtual travel


In this virtual travel we could learn a lot of places of  Buenos Aires city. We had learned the location of each one, the attractions and a much information. We could see a lot of pictures, the distance and also we could learn about Rosario. It`s an information blogspot.
It`s a very good virtual travel, if you need information you must to see this blog.

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012

Some more places

Puerto Madero

Puerto Madero is one of the 48 neighborhoods of Buenos Aires. The neighborhood is a intensively visited by tourists. Home to three five-star hotels, the Hilton Buenos Aires, the Faena Hotel and Sofitel Madero.

The Women's Bridge
The Women's Bridge is a swing bridge. The 170-metre pedestrian bridge weighs 8 tonnes, is 6.20 m wide and is divided into two fixed portions, 25 m and 32.50 m long respectively, and a middle section of 102.5 m that rotates on a white concrete pylon, allowing vessels to pass in less than two minutes.

The Frigate Sarmiento

ARA Presidente Sarmiento is a museum ship, originally built as a training ship for the Argentine Navy. She is Considered to be the last intact cruising training ship from the 1890s


Tigre (Tiger) is a town in the Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, situated in the north of Greater Buenos Aires. Tigre is also the starting point for a visit to the Paraná Delta. Tigre has, in recent years, seen an influx of people relocating to the city from other parts of Greater Buenos Aires.

The House Museum Sarmiento

The House Museum Sarmiento is in the town of Tigre, in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.The house is located on the Rio Sarmiento lodged in her former Argentine president Domingo Faustino Sarmiento.

jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2012

Places of interest and entertainment


Tecnópolis is a mega-exhibition of science, technology, industry and art, with a headquarter in Argentina, and the biggest of America Latina. It was inaugurated on July 14, 2011. Tecnópolis divides in thematic spaces to which it was named parks. Between them we find the following ones: Park of the energy, Park Argentine industry, solar Park, Park of the knowledge, Bioparque, Plaza Belgrano, young World, Forest of games, Park of the movement.

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 Look for more information here: Wikipedia


Temaikén is a park of more than 34 has. The biopark is divided in four big areas: Africa, Asia, autochthonous and aquarium. The principal attractions are:

 Cinema 360: In this cinema there exists the opportunity to view " The ark of the life ", an audio-visual experience that develops with the System OMNIVISION 360 °: projection in 360 degrees on a surrounding screen of 56 meters, and with special effects: light, scenic and sensory.

 Plaza of the sensations: A sector for more boys, where they will be able to recreate experience and sensation own of some animal, beginning from an early age to know, to want and to respect the wild fauna.

 Interactive Centers: Varied technological resources, escenográficos, audio-visual, come together in his mission to wake up your interest

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If you need more information:Wikipedia

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

Ciudad de La Plata

La Plata
Is the capital of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is often nicknamed as the City of the diagonals. In this city you can find the unique stadium of The La plata.This is a fantastic stadium. 


La Catedral
The Metropolitan Cathedral of La Plata "Immaculate Conception" is the main Catholic church in the city of La Plata. It is one of the largest in Latin America.

 Museo de Ciencias Naturales  

The Museum of La Plata is a natural history museum located in the city of La Plata. It is part of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Museum of the UNLP. The construction of the museum was completed in 1889 .


miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

La Boca

La Boca

It is a neighborhood of the City of Buenos Aires (Federal Capital), Argentina. Located in the southeast of the city limits. His name is because is located at the mouth of the Riachuelo in the Rio de la Plata. It is characterized as a neighborhood which housed many tourists therefore shared a variety of ways. Its architecture was characterized as tenements where family lived and which coexisted in different habitanciones but in one place. These tenements were very colorful.


The area is currently La Boca was the place where Pedro de Mendoza made ​​the first foundation of Buenos Aires in 1536. In times of colonial Spanish La Boca was a barracks area for black slaves. In the period worked there saladeros independent (sheds that was salted beef for export).

As the area of ​​greater entry of ships in the late nineteenth century began to be inhabited by Italian immigrants, mostly Genoese, who gave it its current appearance. Immigrants were grouped in tenements and painted their houses with leftover paint that brought the sailors.

La Boca, 1870 already had a characteristic physiognomy and in 1895 was the second section of the Capital. In a population of 38,000 inhabitants, 17,000 were from Argentina, 14,000 Italians, 2,500 Spanish and the rest from other countries.

Residents of La Boca and by extension his football team, the popular Boca Juniors, is still known as the Xeneizes (deformation "zeneizi" ie Genoese, in their own dialect). Immigrants built houses of corrugated metal sheets, often mounted on piles or footings high due to frequent flooding, and brightly painted.

Typical places of La Boca
Classical buildings in La Boca

Caminito street
This Street is a traditional museum and a passage of great cultural and tourism, located in the La Boca neighborhood of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The place acquired cultural significance because the music that inspired the famous tango Caminito


The Matanza-Riachuelo river, called Riachuelo river at its mouth and Slaughter on most of its development, is a stream of 64 km to the east of Argentina, who was born in the province of Buenos Aires, is the southern boundary of the city ​​of Buenos Aires and empties into the Rio de la Plata. This name originates mouth neighborhood of La Boca. The Matanza-Riachuelo Basin is located to the northeast of the province of Buenos Aires. To the north borders the Reconquista River Basin, south and west by the Salado River Basin and to the east by the Rio de la Plata. It is approximately 60 km and a general direction southwest-northeast, and an average width of 35 m, covering an area of ​​2200 km ² to the mouth of the Rio de La Plata.

martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

Places to visit in Rosario

City of Rosario

Rosario is located in central-west of Argentina, in the province of Santa Fe, is the third most populated city in the country,
 Rosario is known as the Cradle of the Argentina Flag, being his most famous building the Monument to the Flag.

Desde arriba a la izquierda: Vista aérea de Rosario • Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario • Monumento a la Bandera • Hospital de Emergencias Dr. Clemente Álvarez • Catedral de Rosario • Bulevar Oroño • Palacio de los Leones • Parroquia del Perpetuo Socorro • Puente Rosario-Victoria.

Monument to the flag

Monumento Histórico Nacional a la Bandera 001.jpg
Since the late XIX century started to plan the building of a monument to pay tribute to Belgrano for giving the fledgling nation flag. On June 20, 1957 was inaugurated with a massive frame the National Flag Monument, designed by architect and engineer Guido Angel. Covers an area of 10,000 and contains three main parts: the central tower, the Propileo Triunfal of the Fatherland and Honor Gallery of American Flags and Civic Monumental Staircase connecting the two corps arquitectónicos.10 June 1957, by the Decree 4901, is set June 20, 1957 as the official date of the inauguration of the National Flag Monument in Rosario.


 Catedral de nuestra señora de Rosario 

The Cathedral Basilica Sanctuary of Our Lady of Rosario is a minor basilica and cathedral dedicated to the Virgin of Rosario, Rosario, Santa Fe province in Argentina. Basilica is located in the oldest part of the city, in 789 Buenos Aires street, next to the Palace of the Lions, municipal government headquarters in the city, in front of Plaza 25 de Mayo. Between the two buildings is the passage Juramento.La first parish was built on this site in 1731. An image of the Virgin of the Rosary was brought from Cadiz, Spain in 1773. On 20 April 1934con the canonical erection of the Diocese of Montreal, was officially named Cathedral. And went to Basilica October 7 1966.La basilica dates from the late s. XIX. His altar is from Italy and was made with Carrara marble.


miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

The distance

Distance between Santiago del Estero and Buenos Aires 1050 Km

Estimated duration: 12 Hs 24m

Distancia entre Santiago del Estero y Buenos Aires: 1050 Km

Duracion estimada: 12 Hs 24m


martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

¡Go to Buenos Aires!

Este viaje se llevo a cabo por nuestros companeros de curso al cual por motivos personales no pudimos asistir al mismo. De acuerdo a lo vivido en Mendoza, Carlos Paz y Salta se puede decir que va ser uno de los mejores viajes. De seguro el Hotel va a ser muy bueno como el de Mendoza, seguramente la van a pasar muy bien donde compartiran diferentes momentos.
 According to the experience in Mendoza, Carlos Paz and Skip will be said to be one of the best trips. Surely the Hotel will be very good as Mendoza, will surely have a good time where they will share different moments.